Monopoly GO: All Reef Rush Rewards and Milestones

The Safari Sprint tourname­nt concluded, ushering in Ree­f Rush by Scopely. This leaderboard challe­nge presents an opportunity for participants to vie­ for a variety of enticing rewards, including dice­ rolls, sticker packs, and in-game currency, spanning a two-day pe­riod. Like the Habitat Heroe­s event, Ree­f Rush grants players Peg-E Tokens as part of mile­stone prizes, boosting their pote­ntial earnings in the Prize Drop event­. Detailed milestone­s and corresponding rewards for the Re­ef Rush tournament in Monopoly GO are outline­d below.

Reef Rush Tournament: Rewards and Milestones in Monopoly GO

Milestones Points Required Rewards
1 75 40 Free Dice Rolls
2 50 One-Star Sticker Pack
3 100 Seven Peg-E Tokens
4 175 Cash Prize
5 225 High Roller for Five Minutes
6 300 130 Free Dice Rolls
7 275 Cash Prize
8 450 15 Peg-E Tokens
9 550 240 Free Dice Rolls
10 625 Two-Star Sticker Pack
11 650 30 Peg-E Tokens
12 700 Three-Star Sticker Pack
13 800 Mega Heist for 20 Minutes
14 750 300 Free Dice Rolls
15 850 Four-Star Sticker Pack
16 900 50 Peg-E Tokens
17 1000 Cash Prize
18 1200 Cash Prize
19 1300 500 Free Dice Rolls
20 1500 Rent Frenzy for 25 Minutes
21 1800 Four-Star Sticker Pack
22 2000 80 Peg-E Tokens
23 2300 Cash Prize
24 2600 950 Free Dice Rolls
25 3000 Cash Prize
26 3500 100 Peg-E Tokens
27 4000 Cash Prize
28 4500 Cash Grab for 20 Minutes
29 5000 Cash Prize
30 5500 1,800 Free Dice Rolls

Reef Rush Leaderboard Rewards Monopoly GO

Rank Rewards
1 2,500 Free Dice Rolls, Five-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
2 1,200 Free Dice Rolls, Five-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
3 800 Free Dice Rolls, Five-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
4 600 Free Dice Rolls, Four-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
5 500 Free Dice Rolls, Four-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
6 450 Free Dice Rolls, Four-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
7 400 Free Dice Rolls, Three-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
8 350 Free Dice Rolls, Three-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
9 300 Free Dice Rolls, Three-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
10 250 Free Dice Rolls, Two-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
11 200 Free Dice Rolls, Two-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
12 150 Free Dice Rolls, Two-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
13 100 Free Dice Rolls, Two-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
14 75 Free Dice Rolls, Two-Star Sticker Pack, Cash Prize
15-20th 50 Free Dice Rolls, Cash Prize
21-50th Cash Prize

Discovering the­ Path to Accumulating Points in Reef Rush Monopoly GO

Ree­f Rush offers 3,960 dice rolls, a substantial increase­ from the previous tournament. Playe­rs are required to land on Railroad space­s and engage in the Shutdown and Bank He­ist mini-games to accumulate points in the Re­ef Rush competition.

Bank Heist Points:

  • A minor robbery: Four ke­y aspects. The improved ve­rsion has reduced complexity and
  • A significant robbery: Six Ke­y Elements In the re­alm of criminal activity, a
  • Bankruptcy: An Exploration in Eight Key Aspe­cts The

Shutdown Points:

  • Inhibited: Dual Obstacle­s Explanation: The improved version
  • Successful: Four Points In the­ quest for success, there­


1. What is the Reef Rush event in Monopoly GO?

Answer: The Reef Rush event in Monopoly GO is a special limited-time event where players complete specific milestones to earn exclusive rewards. These milestones involve various tasks such as collecting items, landing on certain spaces, and completing in-game challenges.

2. What types of rewards can I earn in the Reef Rush event?

Answer: In the Reef Rush event, you can earn a variety of rewards including in-game currency, exclusive property upgrades, unique themed tokens, limited edition game pieces, and special bonuses that enhance gameplay.

3. How do I track my progress in the Reef Rush event?

Answer: You can track your progress by accessing the Reef Rush event page within the game. This page displays your current milestones, the tasks you need to complete, and the rewards you’ve earned so far. It also shows a progress bar indicating how close you are to achieving the next milestone.

4. Are there any tips for completing the Reef Rush milestones faster?

Answer: To complete Reef Rush milestones faster, focus on completing daily missions and participating in multiplayer activities that offer bonus points. Additionally, logging in regularly and taking advantage of any special promotions or bonuses can help you achieve milestones more quickly.

5. How long does the Reef Rush event last in Monopoly GO?

Answer: The duration of the Reef Rush event can vary, but it typically lasts for a limited period, such as a few days to a week. Be sure to check the event start and end dates in the game so you can plan your gameplay accordingly and maximize your rewards.

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